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In any large-scale production, the cost benefits of a more energy-efficient process are clearly visible. Magnified by the scale of the operations, even small improvements in energy efficiency can have a significant impact on cost savings. 

As many businesses look to reduce overheads and weather the economic turmoil, repeatable, scalable savings as a result of lower electrical power use will be reason enough to review the energy efficiency of their heat treatment equipment in the coming months.

“For its Energy Saving System’s electrical-power saving features, VFE has customer feedback of a £15k saving per year, per vacuum furnace.”

Also front of mind is the environmental aspect. The global pandemic has shifted the mainstream focus from sustainability in the short term, but with businesses around the world re-starting (and in some cases, ramping up) their operations, it remains vital that they do so responsibly, in accordance with environmental directives.

And yet, cost savings and better environmental credentials are only two ways in which a more energy-efficient plant can benefit a company’s operations. Read on to discover three more ways businesses can benefit from reducing the energy of their heat treatment equipment.

Regulatory compliance

Compliance remains a driving force behind innovation in the heat treatment sector, proving time and time again the value of investing in upgrades that improve regulated metrics.

Systems capable of increasing energy efficiency sit firmly within this sphere as industry standards continue to redefine what is and is not acceptable in terms of energy wastage.

Of particular note are ISO14001 systems, on which many businesses operate today. ISO14001 systems require continual improvement. Energy-saving solutions like the VFE Energy-Saving System help businesses to comply with ISO14001 requirements by providing evidence of positive, ongoing change, giving operating teams (and their managers) one less thing to worry about when it comes to external audits.

For more information about the VFE Energy-Saving System, download the product specifications.


As consumers increasingly seek brands and products that align with their personal values, the ability to demonstrate more energy-efficient production and greener credentials throughout the supply chain shifts from a nice-to-have to a competitive advantage.

When surveyed, “52% of consumers in the U.K. and U.S. believed the responsibility for the future of the planet lies with manufacturers or production bodies,” revealed market research company GlobalWebIndex.

“52% of respondents believed manufacturers and production bodies are most responsible for the future of the environment.” GlobalWebIndex research

From greener air travel to more sustainable logistics, opportunities abound for businesses to demonstrate corporate social responsibility and better meet customer expectations. More sustainable manufacturing and production, realised by a reduction in energy wastage, is a quick win in the race to more sustainable operations and a greener brand.

Discover VFE’s secret to perfect production.

Clearer visibility over TCO and ROI

Responsibility does not just sit at the corporate social level. Site managers are routinely measured against KPIs for plant efficiency and running costs.

It is one thing to be able to prove the cost benefits of more energy-efficient operations. It is another to be able to demonstrate to the board how those savings were achieved, where exactly they have come from and how they could be repeated or rolled out to other production lines/sites for even greater commercial success.

While savings made are (quite literally) the bottom line, being able to break down how the total cost of ownership was reduced and the steps involved is an effective way for site managers to evidence their commercial aptitude and their ability to do their job well.

Find out how VFE’s training courses are helping to solve the engineering skills shortage crisis. 

How could your site benefit?

If any of these benefits would be advantageous to your company, you may be considering how to improve the energy efficiency of your heat treatment equipment. One of the most cost-effective ways is to invest in VFE’s Energy Saving System.

Designed for industrial vacuum furnaces and autoclaves, the VFE Energy-Saving System is a single unit wired into the side of the machine’s control system. When operated, the unit will automatically sequence the machine’s shutdown and start-up, significantly reducing the time that many machines are left running (and reducing energy consumption accordingly).

With a single unit in place, you could save 159,947 kWh per annum. Across a site, those savings multiply, substantially cutting the amount of electrical power wasted. The colour touchscreen interface records power consumption with estimates of power saved so that you can report quickly, accurately and in real-time on how much energy you are saving.

For more information about the VFE Energy-Saving System, download the product specifications.

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